I wanted to write Secular to Sacred for the purpose of showing how someone who is secular and not really close to God might be introduced first to religion and then Christianity in particular. Our society is increasingly secular, and I wanted to portray that as accurately as possible while juxtaposing this with the Christian faith. The idea of the “secular” fascinates me—in particular, how many people lead apparently fulfilling lives apart from God. The secular and sacred worlds act as two polar opposites. How would one traverse the landscape from one side to the other? The main character begins in the secular but undergoes a spiritual journey (unbeknownst to him) in this regard. Christians reading this book will see the example of one of the supporting characters who is a Christian and be encouraged to shine their light. As an evangelical who holds to the truth of Christ, I want there to be good examples of evangelical storytelling for our time in the early twenty-first century.